Rachael Stentz-Baugher of Princeton, NJ graduated from Indiana University in Bloomington with a degree in Sport Management. Moving to Cleveland in early 2001, Rachael began at the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission as Event Coordinator and Executive Assistant. Since then, Stentz-Baugher has served in various roles at the GCSC, most prominently in the area of community programming. From 2005 – 2007, Rachael oversaw the planning, budgeting and operations of the “Women Rock” programs, a series of 13 community programs associated with the 2007 NCAA Women’s Final Four. The Women Rock series focused on health and wellness, youth mentoring and leadership, Title IX, public participation, and education outreach. Then in 2011, Rachael and a team of community leaders created the “Year of Vitality” program series to promote healthy living and active lifestyles among older adults, in conjunction with the 2013 National Senior Games. The Year of Vitality lasted one year and included 10 programs and reached 10,000 older adults in Greater Cleveland.
Stentz-Baugher currently serves as Director of Programming and is responsible for fundraising activities for the GCSC, including grant writing, corporate membership, and ticket and table sales for the Greater Cleveland Sports Awards.
From 2007 - 2011, Rachael owned and operated RSB Consulting, LLC, an event production and development company, primarily focused on non-profit events. Rachael worked with many of the area’s leading non-profits, producing events such as the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk and Heart Ball, Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk and Celebration of Hope Gala, and American Liver Foundation Liver Life Walk and Flavors of Northeast Ohio. She served as a camera operator for the Cleveland Cavaliers Q-Tube in-arena broadcasts from 2005 – 2012.
Rachael lives in Brecksville, OH with her husband Danny and son Easton. Rachael also enjoys spending time with her step-son, Trevor, who lives in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Rachael serves on the board of Caring Cubs, a local non-profit focused on teaching children ages 2-7 lessons of social responsibility through volunteering, education, and fun.